Privacy Policy does not disclose, sell, share or misuse the e-mail addresses and other personal information of its members and customers under any name, for any reason and before any addressee. The e-mail addresses of members and customers are used to send them promotional and campaign news about approximately once a week. If you do not wish to receive such e-mails from us, you can notify our customer service officers by sending an e-mail to may want to analyze and interpret information about general site usage and shopping, except e-mail addresses and other personal information, in order to make the services offered by more efficient and effective by monitoring visitor movements, to provide more special and more effective service to its customers, and to share it with its business partners.

Responses to survey questions, the answer to which depends on the member's request, are also used within the framework of the above business principles. Such general information may be disclosed to third parties and institutions only as part of general statistical evaluations and in aggregate. does not store your credit card information in any way for your security and therefore does not ask or request such information within the framework of membership information. During shopping, no one, including employees, can see your Credit Card information, your Credit Card information is transmitted to the relevant Banks through bilateral connections within the framework of the highest security standards.

The parts of the order stages containing personal information are secured with 128-bit encryption technique.

For your security, there is a unit that checks the payment, billing and delivery address information of the orders placed from For this reason, in order for the orders of customers who order from for the first time to reach the supply and delivery stage, the accuracy of the financial information must first be confirmed and the e-mail indicating that it has been confirmed must be sent to the customer, if necessary, the credit card holder customers are contacted to check this information.